Triggers & Data

With more than 60 weather, health and lifestyle triggers, WeatherAds is your complete solution for environmental campaign targeting and optimization.
* Indicates data is sourced from AccuWeather®

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Temperature is a measure of how hot or cold the air outside is, described in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit. Past, current and forecast triggers available.


Ambient temperature in °C or °F. Past, current or forecast.


The Rain trigger measures the amount of precipitation that falls to the ground as rain. Past, current & forecast triggers available.


Amount of rainfall. Past, current or forecast.


The Snow trigger measures the amount of precipitation that falls to the ground as snow. Past, current & forecast triggers available.


Level of snowfall. Past, current or forecast.


The Sun trigger measures the amount of clear sky that is visible, resulting in direct sunlight. Past, current and forecast triggers available.


Amount of sunshine. Past, current or forecast.


The Cloud trigger measures the amount of cloud cover in the sky at a given time. Past, current and forecast triggers available.


Amount of cloud cover. Past, current or forecast.

Wind Speed

Wind is the movement of air at or near ground level. The Wind trigger measures the speed the wind is moving at. Past, current and forecast triggers available.

Wind Speed

Amount of wind. Past, current or forecast.


Humidity measures the concentration of water vapor that is in the air. High humidity can make it difficult for the body to regulate its temperature through sweating. Past, current & forecast triggers available.


Level of humidity in the air. Past, current or forecast.

Air Pressure

Atmospheric pressure is the weight of the air pushing onto the earth’s surface. Past, current & forecast triggers available.

Air Pressure

Atmospheric air pressure. Past, current or forecast.

UV Index

The UV Index forecasts localized ultraviolet radiation conditions. It is updated every hour and indicates how much sun protection you need for your outdoor activities. Past, current & forecast triggers available.

UV Index

Level of ultra-violet radiation. Past, current or forecast.


Realfeel® by AccuWeather is the gold standard for determining how weather conditions outside really feel. The patented algorithm takes into account temperature, humidity, cloud cover, winds, sun intensity, sun angle, etc.


Perceived Realfeel® conditions in °C or °F. Past, current or forecast.

Thunder & Lightning

Lightning is an electrical discharge from a thunderstorm. The Alerts trigger is the probability of thunder and lightning occurring, described as a percentage chance.

Thunder & Lightning

The probability of lightning occurring.


Storms are characterized by extreme winds, and can also include rain, thunder, lightning, etc. This trigger measures the likelihood of a storm occurring, described as a probability. Alerts are issued pre-emptively ahead of the event.


The probability of a storm occurring.


This trigger measures the likelihood of a hail event occurring, described as a probability. Alerts are issued pre-emptively ahead of the event.


The probability of hail occurring.


Fog is considered a type of low-lying ground-level cloud. This trigger measures the likelihood of a fog occurring, described as a probability. Alerts are issued pre-emptively ahead of the event.


The probability of fog occurring.


This trigger measures the likelihood of a hurricane occurring, described as a probability. Alerts are issued pre-emptively ahead of the event.


The probability of a hurricane occurring.


This trigger measures the likelihood of a tornado occurring, described as a probability. Alerts are issued pre-emptively ahead of the event.


The probability of a tornado occurring.


The Ice alert trigger measures the likelihood of ice forming, described as a probability. Alerts are issued pre-emptively ahead of the event.‍


The probability of ice forming.


Blizzards are a type of severe snow storm and occur for a longer period of time. This trigger measures the likelihood of a blizzard occurring, described as a probability. Alerts are issued pre-emptively ahead of the event.


The probability of a blizzard occurring.

Freezing Rain

Freezing rain is liquid rain that falls and freezes on contact with objects creating a coating of ice that can cause severe damage. This alert is described as a probability and issued pre-emptively ahead of the event.

Freezing Rain

The probability of freezing rain occurring.

Air Quality

The Air Quality Index is an index for reporting daily air quality. It tells you how clean or polluted your air is, and what associated health effects might be a concern for you.

Air Quality

Daily air quality index. Past, current or forecast.

Grass Pollen

A forecast of airborne local pollen amounts, which utilizes combined datasets of current local pollen counts from allergists, private physicians, government agencies and other sources.‍

Grass Pollen

Daily grass pollen index. Past, current or forecast.

Tree Pollen

Measurements of current local pollen counts from allergists, private physicians, government agencies and other sources are combines into a forecast of future airborne local pollen amounts.‍

Tree Pollen

Daily tree pollen index. Past, current or forecast.

Ragweed Pollen

Measurements of current local pollen counts from allergists, private physicians, government agencies and other sources are combined into a forecast of future airborne local pollen amounts.

Ragweed Pollen

Daily ragweed pollen index. Past, current or forecast.

Mold Spores

Measurements of current local pollen counts from allergists, private physicians, government agencies and other sources, are combined into a forecast of future airborne local pollen amounts.

Mold Spores

Daily mold spore index. Past, current or forecast.

Dust & Dander

The Dust & Dander Forecast will help you determine how conducive conditions are to the accumulation of dust and dander in the air and on the surfaces inside your home.

Dust & Dander

Daily dust & dander index. Past, current or forecast.


The Flu Forecast combines the effects of the weather with relevant demographic factors to provide a scale showing the overall probability of flu transmission and the severity of flu symptoms.


Daily flu outbreak index. Past, current or forecast.

Arthritis Pain

A forecast that combines weather factors that may affect arthritis sufferers, and potential likelihood and severity of weather-related arthritis pain.

Arthritis Pain

Daily arthritis weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.


The Asthma Forecast shows how environmental factors are likely to affect asthmatics, with higher levels indicating an increased risk for an asthma attack and an increased likelihood of a more severe attack.


Daily asthma index. Past, current or forecast.

Common Cold

The weather plays an important role in the chance you will get a cold and, if you do, how severe it will be and how long it will last. These factors are combined to yield the Common Cold Forecast.

Common Cold

Daily common cold index. Past, current or forecast.


The COPD Forecast takes into consideration all of the weather factors that could trigger a pulmonary attack in people who suffer from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.


Daily COPD weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.

Migraine Headache

This index combines current weather with how the weather is changing to predict the probability of experiencing a migraine headache, as well as how intense it is likely to be and how long it is likely to last.

Migraine Headache

Daily migraine weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.

Sinus Headache

The Sinus Headache Forecast combines the effects of weather and relevant demographic factors to show the probability of experiencing a sinus headache, as well as how long it is likely to last and how severe it is likely to be.

Sinus Headache

Daily sinus headache weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.

Healthy Heart Fitness

This forecast expresses how good the outdoor weather is for mild to moderate exercise, considering not only the actual weather but also the kind of weather that people in the area are used to.

Healthy Heart Fitness

Daily outdoor exercise index. Past, current or forecast.


The Thirst Forecast helps you plan your week and stay refreshed. It combines all the weather parameters such as heat and humidity levels which can lead to dehydration.


Daily thirst weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.

Hair Frizz

The weather can have a dramatic effect on how well peoples hair looks and holds it style. The Frizz Forecast uses a proprietary algorithm that combines measurements of atmospheric humidity with other weather factors that create hair frizz.

Hair Frizz

Daily hair frizz weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.

Mosquito Activity

A forecast that combines all of the current and past weather factors that affect mosquito activity.

Mosquito Activity

Daily mosquito activity weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.

Indoor Pests

A forecast that combines all of the current and past weather factors that affect indoor pest activity like ants and cockroaches.

Indoor Pests

Daily indoor pests weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.

Outdoor Pests

A forecast that combines all of the current and past weather factors that affect outdoor pest activity like mosquitoes and ticks.

Outdoor Pests

Daily outdoor pests weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.


The Bicycling Forecast takes into consideration all of the weather factors that impact your comfort, safety, and ability to go bicycling outdoors.


Daily cycling weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.


The Fishing Forecast combines solunar and weather information to measure the day's peak conditions for fishing.


Daily fishing weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.

Golf Weather

For the avid or casual golfer, the Golf Forecast considers past and current weather effects on the greens and on your own safety and comfort to describe how suitable the day will be for golf.

Golf Weather

Daily golfing weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.


The Hiking Forecast takes into consideration all of the weather factors that impact your safety, comfort, and ability to go hiking.


Daily hiking weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.


The Hunting Forecast accounts for the solunar and weather factors that play a role in hunting, as well as the weather factors that affect comfort and safety while hunting.


Daily hunting weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.


The Jogging Forecast takes into consideration all of the weather factors that impact your safety, comfort, and ability to jog outdoors.


Daily jogging weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.


The Running Forecast takes into consideration all of the weather factors that impact your safety, comfort, and ability to run outdoors.


Daily running weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.


The Tennis Forecast takes into consideration all of the weather factors that impact your safety, comfort, and ability to play tennis.


Daily tennis weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.


The Sailing Forecast combines information about optimum wind conditions with the weather and water factors that influence how safe and comfortable the day is for sailing.


Daily sailing weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.


The Skateboarding Forecast takes into consideration all of the weather factors that impact your safety, comfort, and ability to skateboard.


Daily skateboarding weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.

Ski Weather

The Skiing Index forecasts the conditions you will encounter on the slopes and cross-country trails, taking into account the weather and snow conditions that produce a great day for skiing. It also considers travel conditions to and from skiing sites.

Ski Weather

Daily skiing weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.

Beach & Pool

The Beach and Pool Forecast considers numerous weather and water factors to help predict the conditions you will encounter at the beach or pool.

Beach & Pool

Daily beach and pool weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.

Dog Walking Comfort

A forecast that accounts for all the weather factors that affect how comfortable you and your pet will feel when you take your dog for a walk.

Dog Walking Comfort

Daily dog walking comfort index. Past, current or forecast.

Kite Flying

The Kite Flying Forecast takes into consideration all of the weather factors that impact your safety, comfort, and ability to fly a kite outdoors.

Kite Flying

Daily kite flying weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.

Outdoor Barbecue

A forecast that accounts for all the weather factors that determine whether or not conditions will be favorable for an outdoor barbecue.‍

Outdoor Barbecue

Daily BBQ weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.

Outdoor Concert

The Outdoor Concert Forecast takes into consideration all of the weather factors that impact your comfort and safety when attending an outdoor concert.

Outdoor Concert

Daily outdoor concert weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.


The Shopping Forecast will help you determine ideal weather conditions for shopping.


Daily shopping weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.


The Stargazing Forecast considers weather conditions and the lunar cycle to forecast the peak evenings for amateur astronomy.


Daily stargazing weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.

Indoor Activity

The Indoor Activities Forecast helps you decide when it will be better to plan your activities inside due to poor weather conditions outdoors.

Indoor Activity

Daily poor weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.

Outdoor Activity

The Outdoor Activities Forecast accounts for all the weather factors that play a role in your safety and comfort during typical outdoor activities, as well as your travel to and from outdoor activity locations.

Outdoor Activity

Daily outdoor activity weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.

Snow Days

The Snow Days Forecast predicts the probability of school cancellation for your location based on expected winter-season weather. NOTE: It is not a replacement for official school closing and delay notices.

Snow Days

Daily snow day school cancellation index. Past, current or forecast.

Field Readiness

The Field Readiness Forecast considers soil moisture, temperature and compressibility to summarize the suitability of fields for planting.

Field Readiness

Daily field readiness & farming index. Past, current or forecast.


The Composting Forecast combines into one number all the weather factors that play an important role in the progress of your compost heap and your comfort in working it.


Daily composting weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.


The Construction Forecast will help you determine ideal weather conditions for outdoor construction projects.


Daily construction forecast weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.

Grass Growing

The Grass Growing Forecast combines a variety of measures of soil moisture, precipitation and evapotranspiration rates to summarize how well the level of soil moisture will support grass growth.

Grass Growing

Daily grass growing weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.

Home Energy Efficiency

The Home Energy Efficiency Forecast accounts for all the weather factors that play a role in increasing or decreasing your home's energy usage, relative to the typical experience for your home and lifestyle.

Home Energy Efficiency

Daily home energy weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.

Lawn Mowing

All the weather factors that play a role in your comfort, safety and ease of mowing the lawn are combined in the Lawn Mowing Forecast.

Lawn Mowing

Daily lawn mowing weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.

Soil Moisture

The Soil Moisture Forecast combines a variety of measures of soil moisture, precipitation and evapotranspiration rates to summarize how well the level of soil moisture will support crop growth.

Soil Moisture

Daily soil moisture weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.

Fuel Economy

The Fuel Economy Forecast accounts for all the weather factors that play a role in increasing or decreasing fuel economy, relative to the typical experience for your vehicle and driving style.

Fuel Economy

Daily fuel economy weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.

Power Outage

Aggregated live power outage data from utilities all over the United States

Power Outage

Live power outage data for USA. Both real-time (current) and past triggers available.

Flight Delays

The Flight Delay Index takes into consideration all of the weather factors that impact your comfort at the time of your departing flight. This is not a replacement for official airline information.

Flight Delays

Daily flight delay weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.

Flying Travel Index

The Flying Travel Index takes into consideration all of the weather factors that impact your comfort at the time of your departing flight.

Flying Travel Index

Daily flying travel comfort weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.


The Driving Travel Index takes into consideration all of the weather factors that impact your ability to drive.


Daily driving weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.

Morning School Bus

The Morning School Bus Forecast combines information about all the weather factors that influence how safe and comfortable it will be at the bus stop.

Morning School Bus

Daily morning school bus weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.

Home Energy Efficiency

The Home Energy Efficiency Forecast accounts for all the weather factors that play a role in increasing or decreasing your home's energy usage, relative to the typical experience for your home and lifestyle.

Home Energy Efficiency

Daily home energy weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.

Fuel Economy

The Fuel Economy Forecast accounts for all the weather factors that play a role in increasing or decreasing fuel economy, relative to the typical experience for your vehicle and driving style.

Fuel Economy

Daily fuel economy weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.

Power Outage

Aggregated live power outage data from utilities all over the United States

Power Outage

Live power outage data for USA. Both real-time (current) and past triggers available.

Feels Like Spring

'Feels Like Spring' uses a blend of localized signals such as comfort levels, weather and temperature to maximize ad engagement and conversions for spring-based goods and services!

Feels Like Spring

Localized spring weather index (past, current, forecast)


Realfeel® by AccuWeather is the gold standard for determining how weather conditions outside really feel. The patented algorithm takes into account temperature, humidity, cloud cover, winds, sun intensity, sun angle, etc.


Perceived Realfeel® conditions in °C or °F. Past, current or forecast.

Lawn Mowing

All the weather factors that play a role in your comfort, safety and ease of mowing the lawn are combined in the Lawn Mowing Forecast.

Lawn Mowing

Daily lawn mowing weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.

Grass Growing

The Grass Growing Forecast combines a variety of measures of soil moisture, precipitation and evapotranspiration rates to summarize how well the level of soil moisture will support grass growth.

Grass Growing

Daily grass growing weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.

Outdoor Activity

The Outdoor Activities Forecast accounts for all the weather factors that play a role in your safety and comfort during typical outdoor activities, as well as your travel to and from outdoor activity locations.

Outdoor Activity

Daily outdoor activity weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.

Outdoor Barbecue

A forecast that accounts for all the weather factors that determine whether or not conditions will be favorable for an outdoor barbecue.‍

Outdoor Barbecue

Daily BBQ weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.

Beach & Pool

The Beach and Pool Forecast considers numerous weather and water factors to help predict the conditions you will encounter at the beach or pool.

Beach & Pool

Daily beach and pool weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.

Outdoor Pests

A forecast that combines all of the current and past weather factors that affect outdoor pest activity like mosquitoes and ticks.

Outdoor Pests

Daily outdoor pests weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.

Mosquito Activity

A forecast that combines all of the current and past weather factors that affect mosquito activity.

Mosquito Activity

Daily mosquito activity weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.


The Thirst Forecast helps you plan your week and stay refreshed. It combines all the weather parameters such as heat and humidity levels which can lead to dehydration.


Daily thirst weather-factor index. Past, current or forecast.

Common Cold

The weather plays an important role in the chance you will get a cold and, if you do, how severe it will be and how long it will last. These factors are combined to yield the Common Cold Forecast.

Common Cold

Daily common cold index. Past, current or forecast.


The Flu Forecast combines the effects of the weather with relevant demographic factors to provide a scale showing the overall probability of flu transmission and the severity of flu symptoms.


Daily flu outbreak index. Past, current or forecast.

Dust & Dander

The Dust & Dander Forecast will help you determine how conducive conditions are to the accumulation of dust and dander in the air and on the surfaces inside your home.

Dust & Dander

Daily dust & dander index. Past, current or forecast.

Ragweed Pollen

Measurements of current local pollen counts from allergists, private physicians, government agencies and other sources are combined into a forecast of future airborne local pollen amounts.

Ragweed Pollen

Daily ragweed pollen index. Past, current or forecast.

Tree Pollen

Measurements of current local pollen counts from allergists, private physicians, government agencies and other sources are combines into a forecast of future airborne local pollen amounts.‍

Tree Pollen

Daily tree pollen index. Past, current or forecast.

Grass Pollen

A forecast of airborne local pollen amounts, which utilizes combined datasets of current local pollen counts from allergists, private physicians, government agencies and other sources.‍

Grass Pollen

Daily grass pollen index. Past, current or forecast.

Air Quality

The Air Quality Index is an index for reporting daily air quality. It tells you how clean or polluted your air is, and what associated health effects might be a concern for you.

Air Quality

Daily air quality index. Past, current or forecast.